Live PD – 05.16.20
Season 4, Episode 65
Aired on: Saturday, May 16th, 2020 | Duration: 3h 0m 00s
Dan Abrams, Tom Morris Jr, and Sean “Sticks” Larkin are live from there homes, but with a virtual background that looks like the studio. This is considered a special episode due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The show is on a much longer delay than normal.
Update on Maxine
The owner of Maxine the dog that was trapped in the storm drain on Friday night gave an update. Maxine is doing better, she is eating and drinking, and resting at home. The owner suspects she accidentally fell into the storm drain and became trapped. Maxine is a 17-year-old golden retriever.
Departments & Officers
- Richland County Sheriff’s Department (Deputy Donnyray Campbell, Lt. Danny Brown)
- Williamson County Sheriff’s Office (Deputy Mathew Decker, Deputy Rachael Carter)
- Lawrence Police Department (Captain Tracey Cantrell, Lt. Thomas Wright)
- Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office (Corporal Kimber Gist, Deputy Devonte Carr)
- Clay County Sheriff’s Office (Sergeant Zach Cox, Deputy Reggie Hyatt)
- West Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office (Sergeant Glenn Henegan, Agent James Lewis, Lt. Brett Cavaliere, Agent Allen Connelly)
- Tulsa Police Department (Officer Heath Brownell, Officer Cassie Moore)
- Tulsa – Officer Moore responds to a man creating a disturbance at a laundromat. He refuses to comply and eventually gets tased.
- Lawrence – Captain Cantrell investigates a domestic disturbance between a mom and daughter.
- Clay – Deputy Hyatt responds to a baby trapped in a car. Eventually, they’re able to pop the lock and open the door.
- West Baton Rouge – Lt. Cavaliere and Sgt. Henagan search a truck find drugs.
- Berkeley – Deputy Carr pulls over a car for reckless driving. The driver has a lot of food in his mouth.
- Williamson – Deputy Decker spots a possible stolen truck on the interstate. The truck refuses to stop and then the passenger jumps out on the interstate and runs. After other deputies join the search they find the passenger in a field.
- Clay – Sergeant Cox stops a car and detains the driver after he smells marijuana.
- Richland – Lt. Danny Brown catches a woman shooting up drugs in a parking lot.
- West Baton Rouge – Agent Lewis questions a suspect regarding selling bad heroin. Cavaliere finds drugs and needles in a purse.
- West Baton Rouge – Sergeant Henagan and Lewis catch the driver of the 4-wheeler from Friday night.
- Lawrence – Captain Cantrell investigates a noise complaint. He gets into an argument with the homeowner.
- Berkeley – Corporal Gist responds to the report of a man with a gun. A man walks out of the trailer holding a gun.
- Tulsa – Officer Brownell catches a couple in the act of stealing a motorcycle.
- West Baton Rouge – Sergeant Henagan talks to the man that was driving the stollen Walmart scooter last week.
Cool backgrounds! But, are you all wearing pants? Just curious. BTW, love your shows!
It appears that the majority of the officers are not wearing masks. We did notice that IN was compliant. Thank you for your comments.
Not sure where yall found the two police officers from West Baton Rouge La. But they are the rudest officers on here to date. Agent Lewis tries to be funny but come off looking like a smart ass. And Sergeant Henagan is just a straight up jerk. I understand they have a job to do. My brother in law is a police officer for Montgomery county. How can they expect respect when they don’t show it themselves.
Thank you so much for the update on Maxine. I’ve been waiting all day to find out how that amazing surivivor of a pooch has faired over the last 24 hours. My little dog was also very interested as she barked at the tv last night every time Maxine barked. Great job to the Good Samaritans and Officers involved.
I love this show, but I can’t stand Baton Rouge, Sgt. Henagan! He’s rude, sarcastic, and just a jerk to people. The people walking on the street did nothing on the 22nd and he just had to make them feel stupid and that was uncalled for. It is hard to watch when he comes on. Hopefully he isn’t on here much longer, but still doesn’t save citizens from dealing with him outside the show.