Live PD – 05.01.20


Live PD – 05.01.20

Season 4, Episode 60
Aired on: Friday, May 1st, 2020 | Duration: 2h 0m 00s
Dan Abrams, Tom Morris Jr, and Sean “Sticks” Larkin are live from there homes. This is considered a special episode due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The show is only 2 hours and only 6 departments are featured. Dan also said the show is on a much longer delay than normal.

The Pomona Police Department announced that they would be off the show until the shelter in place order is lifted in California. The Clay County Sheriff’s Department will be filling the slot for now.

Departments & Officers


  • Lawrence – Officer Bishop responds to a shooting but ends up investigating a car accident.
  • Richland – Deputy Campbell is persuing a stollen car. The driver and several passengers flee on foot in an apartment complex.
  • West Baton Rouge – Sergeant Henegan responds to a report of a domestic dispute in a trailer park.
  • Berkeley – Corporal Clark performs a traffic stop.
  • Lawrence – Officers pursue a Dodge Challenger on the interstate at high speeds.
  • Jefferson – Corporal Deanna Marshall assists with a traffic stop.
  • West Baton Rouge – Officers stop a car that’s driving slowly.
  • Williamson – Deputy Johnston walks out of a convenience store and sees a woman passed out. He searches her car and finds drugs.
  • Richland – During a traffic stop a suspect kicks a door into Deputy Mulcahy. Deputy Perez takes the suspect into custody.
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