The Weld County Sheriff’s Office is Weld County, Colorado’s primary law enforcement agency. The Weld County Sheriff’s Office’s headquarters is in Greely, CO. The jurisdiction covers approximately 4,000 square miles. To be part of the community, the Sheriff’s Office regularly participates in the neighborhood watch areas established throughout the districts. The Deputies view themselves as partners in the communities they serve and can provide citizens with resources beyond strictly those relevant to law enforcement. Deputies welcome the many opportunities to meet with the citizens in their assigned areas and appreciate citizen contact no matter the circumstances.
The Weld County Sheriff’s Office also runs a jail capable of holding 850 inmates. Inmates stay at the Weld County Jail while progressing through the court system. While at the jail, staff members work to ensure that they are provided a safe, humane, and wholesome environment and treated with dignity and respect. The Weld County Sheriff’s Office also serves the courts of the 19th Judicial District, transporting inmates from the Weld County Jail to the Weld County Courthouse and providing security assistance at the Courthouse.
The Weld County Sheriff’s Office joined On Patrol: Live during Season 2. Their first appearance was during the 10.13.23 episode. Weld County participated for several weeks, and their last episode was 12.02.23.