Live PD – 02.28.20


Live PD – 02.28.20

Season 4, Episode 44
Aired on: Friday, February 28th, 2020 | Duration: 2h 0m 38s
Dan Abrams, Tom Morris Jr, and Sean “Sticks” Larkin are in the studio. The first hour is commercial-free.

Officer of the NightOfficer Omahony: You should sue the guy that made that jacket.

Live PD – 02.28.20 Departments & Officers


  • Nye – Deputy Barrett talks with a man on a bike looking for his dog from 5 years ago.
  • Bradford Deputy Flynn is responding to a disturbance involving a man with a knife.
  • Tulsa – Officer Ross is dealing with a disturbance at a motel. The woman is banging on doors and appears to know him.
  • Pomona – Sergeant Aguiar responds to a domestic disturbance.
  • Tallahassee Officer Martinez races to the scene of a man being hit by a car.
  • Bradford – Deputy Flynn is searching for a suspect.
  • Tulsa – Officer Grace Hobbs pursue a car that refuses to stop. Helicopter support takes over the pursuit.
  • Berkeley – Deputy Carr pursues a car into a neighborhood. K9 Fox catches the passenger by his pants.
  • Nye – Deputy Christen responds to a domestic dispute over a cat. The caller actually has a warrant.
  • Pomona – Officer Jiminez stops a man that is conflicting with others.
  • Lawrence – Officer Tate stops a car and searches for marijuana.
  • Tallahassee – Officer Hill talks to a woman who doesn’t want her neighbor knocking on her door.
  • Lawrence – Officer Tate responds to a possible burglary at a home.
  • Tallahassee – Officers stop a car and the driver tries to run after being handcuffed.
  • Pomona – Officer Omahony and Officer Cavanaugh execute a search warrant on…yet another Pomona Illegal Casino.
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April McInnis
April McInnis
4 years ago

In regards to the hit and run with the white truck at the gas station….. of the driver threw a drink at the victim’s vehicle would the detectives be able to possibly collect DNA from the container?

Sandra L McHugh
Sandra L McHugh
4 years ago

On tonight’s show : Yes . Fire extinguisher spray will damage the vehicle paint and go thru to the metal and cause damage, wash immediately.

Jamie Madsen
Jamie Madsen
4 years ago

was wanting to find out if they found that missing infant girl that came up missing.