Live PD – 12.06.19

Live PD 12.06.19

Live PD – 12.06.19

Season 4, Episode 24
Aired on: December 6, 2019 | Duration: 2h 0m 38s
Dan Abrams, Tom Morris Jr, and Sean “Sticks” Larkin are in the studio.

Live PD 12.06.19


Live PD 12.06.19
Live PD 12.06.19
  • Tallahassee Officer Smith responds to a car crashed into a canal. Really it’s just a car jumping the curb.
  • Missoula Captain Burt deals with a roadside oil change.
  • Tallahassee – Officer Smith assists with a robbery suspect who is barricaded in his room. After quite some time, they’re able to talk him out. Quote of the night: “We’re going to break your door down, and not pay for it.”
  • Jefferson Deanna Marshall has a high-speed pursuit with a mom that has a baby in the car.
  • Lawrence – A suspect with marijuana debates the laws of Indiana.
  • Tulsa – Officers respond to a man on the roof of a school. He ends up being there for work.
  • Mission Officer Mercado searches for a stolen Christmas tree.
  • Tulsa – A naked woman is taken into custody.
  • Tallahassee – Officers search for a suspect at a car dealership. They search all over but eventually find their suspect.
  • Jefferson Brandon Sunday and Deanna Marshall investigate a stollen motorcycle at a hotel.
  • Richland Corporal Boyles pulls over a suspect with drugs and a stolen gun.
  • Missoula – Deputies and Search & Rescue look for a lost hunter in the mountains.
  • Tallahassee – Officer Smith talks to a guy on a hoverboard, wearing a SWAT vest.

Departments & Officers

Live PD - 12.06.19

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Johnny Neptune
Johnny Neptune
5 years ago

Absolutely the best show I’ve ever seen in my life. I am so addicted to live PD, that I actually pay a monthly cable bill JUST TO WATCH LIVE PD EVERY WEEKEND. I loved this show so much!!! I