On Patrol: Live | 09.09.22


Season 1, Episode 15

Aired on Friday, September 9th, 2022 | Duration 3h 0m 00s

Dan Abrams, Curtis Wilson, and Sean “Sticks” Larkin are live in the studio. Tonight was a full moon across most of the United States, which means the crazies were out.

Departments & Officers

  • Nye – Lt. Schrimpf observes a speeding Camaro. He follows it and the driver attempts to flee but is ultimately caught up with.
  • Paterson – Officers search for a fight, but are unable to anyone involved.
  • Nye – Sgt. Fowles and other deputies are searching for someone with a warrant. While questioning a man who is being argumentative, Sgt. Fowles throws him through a window.
  • Bernalillo – Deputy Tuell responds to a report of road rage. One female is taken into custody.
  • Richland – Deputy Salmond and Captain Danny Brown respond to a disturbance at a motel.
  • Crime of the Week – An elderly driver is driving the wrong way and crashed head-on into a deputy.
  • Paterson – Officers responded to shots fired. As usual, no shooter is found.
  • Volusia – Deputies pull over a car that is driving recklessly. The driver is visiting from out of state and has no license. Due to state law, the driver must be arrested.
  • Berkeley – Sgt. Clark stops a car, and the driver has marijuana in his lap. He also has a stack of “fake” money.
  • Beech Grove – Officers responded to a report of shoplifting at a Walmart.
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2 years ago

Are the episodes taped so we can watch them on this format?