On Patrol: Live | 06.09.23


Season 1, Episode 187 – On Patrol: Live 06.09.23

Aired on Friday, June 9th, 2023 | Duration 3h 0m 00s

Dan Abrams, Curtis Wilson, and Sean “Sticks” Larkin are live in the studio. Tonight is the first episode featuring the Fullerton Police Department in California. Beech Grove is taking a break from the show.

Tonight starts in Daytona Beach with a man who fired a gun at a car. In Fullerton, officers are chasing gang members on foot. In Volusia, Deputy James takes Larry into custody on a warrant. In Toledo, the officers pull over a medical carrier, who sometimes carries legs. In Richland, Deputy Hughes is trying to back up an officer in a foot chase with a suspect who assaulted someone with a hammer. In Dayton Beach, Mike Bryant is investigating fireworks being set off in a store. The Crime of the Night features a dangerous chase in Arkansas.

Departments & Officers

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