On Patrol: Live | 06.03.23


Season 1, Episode 186 – On Patrol: Live 06.03.23

Aired on Saturday, June 3rd, 2023 | Duration 3h 0m 00s

Dan Abrams, Curtis Wilson, and Sean “Sticks” Larkin are live in the studio. Tonight is a full moon episode. Dan also announced that there will be new department next week replacing Beech Grove.

Tonight starts in Richland County with an investigation into reckless dirtbikes. This turns into a chase with two of the bikes wrecking. In Berkeley County, Dylan Lee attempts to stop a fleeing Honda. Corporal Ronnie Russell stops some teens in a golf cart for drinking. In Nye County, Deputies are pursuing an armed suspect with a gun out the window. The suspect eventually makes it into a trailer, possibly holding a hostage.

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