Live PD – 02.08.20


Live PD – 02.08.20

Season 4, Episode 39
Aired on: Saturday, February 8th, 2020 | Duration: 2h 0m 38s
Dan Abrams, Tom Morris Jr, and Sean “Sticks” Larkin are in the studio.

Live PD – 02.08.20 Departments & Officers


  • Tallahassee – Officer Martinez and Hill are searching for a suspect with felony warrants. Hill finds a house with a broken window.
  • Richland Deputy Campbell and other deputies are pursuing a burglary suspect.
  • Tulsa – Officer Ross investigates a school that was broken into. He clears the school with a K9 officer.
  • Berkeley – Officers are performing a traffic stop and attempting to search for a vehicle. The woman tries to toss a crack pipe.
  • Nye Deputy Gentry responses to the report of a woman allegedly held hostage. Sergeant Fowles breaks the door down and detains the man inside.
  • Pomona Officer Medellin and Shinn investigate an illegal casino.
  • Richland – Deputy Mulcahy stops a car and finds drugs.
  • Bradford Sergeant Haas responds for a forrest fire threatening homes.
  • Tulsa – Officer Ross responds to a fight and meets up with his fan club. Eventually, he caught up with the suspect and arrests him.
  • Nye – Sergeant Fowles investigates a domestic incident.
  • Pomona – Officer Shinn and Medellin are investigating someone who threatened the driver of a car.
  • Lawrence Officer Bishop conducts a vehicle search and finds drugs.
  • Pomona – Officers stopped a car for erratic driving. The driver has a warrant and is taken into custody.
  • Tulsa Officer Ross investigates a hit and run at Burger King.
  • Pomona – Officer Smith responds to a man behaving erratically. He’s cuffed and officers find his pipe.
  • Berkeley Deputy Carr stops a car that refuses to stop.
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