Live PD – 04.10.20
Season 4, Episode 54
Aired on: Friday, April 10th, 2020 | Duration: 1h 0m 00s
Dan Abrams, Tom Morris Jr, and Sean “Sticks” Larkin are live from there homes. This is considered a special episode due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The show is only 1 hour, and only 6 departments are featured. Sheriff Chody from Williamson County Sheriff’s provided an update on new intake procedures at the jail to prevent COVID19 cases from entering the jail.
Departments & Officers
- Richland County Sheriff’s Department (Lt. Danny Brown, Corporal Mark Laureano)
- Lawrence Police Department (Officer Stuart Bishop, Captain Tracey Cantrell)
- Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office (Corporal Steve Zubkoff, Corporal Corinthian Green)
- Pomona Police Department (Officer Alex Nguyen, Officer Frank Wilson, Officer Shreef Erfan)
- Clay County Sheriff’s Office (Deputy Brett Fortin)
- Pomona – Officer Nguyen and Wilson respond to a call for assistance at a domestic disturbance. A daughter is fighting with the mom and brother about leaving home.
- Richland – Corporal Laureano talks to a store owner about keeping social distancing.
- Richland – Deputy Mulcahy assists in the pursuit of a fleeing suspect. The driver ends up crashing.
- Clay County – Deputy Fortin responds to a neighbor disturbance about people leaving. A number of drunk people are arrested.
- Richland – Lt. Danny Brown searches a car for drugs at a motel.
- Berkeley – Corporal Green assists in the capture of a suspect that crashed into a fire hydrant.
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