Live PD – 02.21.20


Live PD – 02.21.20

Season 4, Episode 42
Aired on: Friday, February 21th, 2020 | Duration: 2h 0m 38s
Dan Abrams, Tom Morris Jr, and Sean “Sticks” Larkin are in the studio. Dan announces that the 03.28.20 episode will have a commercial-free hour.

Live PD – 02.21.20 Departments & Officers


  • Berkeley – Officer Longieliere questions some people behind a hotel.
  • Lawrence – Officer Kingery investigates a disturbance at an apartment.
  • Berkeley – Officer Clark was assisting Longieliere at the hotel when a call for shots fired comes across the radio. Both officers leave the stop to respond to shots fired.
  • Tulsa – Officer Hyman is performing a traffic stop on someone who doesn’t want to provide his name.
  • Richland – Deputy Furgal is backing up Danny Brown on a stop. They find a stolen gun in the car that’s “hot”.
  • Pomona – Sergeant Medellin’s team recovers a stolen car. They find drugs.
  • Tallahassee – Officer Hill responds to a man in a tricky romantic situation.
  • Pomona – Officer Omahony and team raid an illegal casino. They detain 20 -25 suspects.
  • Nye – Deputy Barrett stops a car that comes back stollen. He detains the driver and passenger at gunpoint.
  • Lawrence – Officer tries to rescue a lost weiner dog in traffic. Eventually, he catches the dog and animal control takes the dog. The owner of the dog is reunited the next day.
  • Pomona – Officer Erfan responds to a disturbance.
  • Lawrence – Officer Bishop has a vehicle that refuses to stop for blue lights. The driver does not speak english. Sergeant Slaybaugh helps translate french.
  • Tulsa – Officer Hyman stops a car with a driver that’s wanted by the US Marshalls.
  • Lawrence – Officer Kingery responds to a passed out driver by the wheel. The man accidentally crashes into a police car.
  • Richland – Deputy Furgal questions a woman in a car with bad plates.
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Jim Gustafson
Jim Gustafson
4 years ago

How does a loyal viewer get there hands on one of those super cool coffee cups that you have in the studio? Love your show!

4 years ago

How do the cops know the guy they drug outta the car isn’t having medical issues. I worry that there to aggressive without knowing the whole situation as I had two friends die because of police. Neglagence

Ron Hall
Ron Hall
4 years ago

Berkeley! Shots fired??! Don’t leave us hanging