S03 E76
- Guest Hosts: Sgt. Sean “Sticks” Larkin of the Tulsa (OK) Police Department Gang Unit
- Departments and officers featured include:
Departments Featured
- Williamson County (TX) Sheriff’s Office (Lt. Grayson Kennedy & Det. Mark Luera)
- Richland County (SC) Sheriff’s Department (Dep. Donnyray Campbell & Dep. Brandon Simmons)
- Lafayette (LA) Police Department (Ofc. Pablo Estrada & Cpl. Michael Milazzo)
- East Providence (RI) Police Department (Cpl. David Silva & Ofc. Ryan Cute)
- Salinas (CA) Police Department (Ofc. Mike Muscutt & Ofc. Daniel Martinez)
- Oklahoma Highway Patrol (Tpr. Russell Callicoat & Tpr. Jonathon Cotner)
- Greene County (MO) Sheriff’s Office (Dep. Jason Flora & Dep. Paige Rippee)
- Lawrence (IN) Police Department (Ofc. Adam Hazelwood with K9 Chedo & Ofc. Derek Byerly)