Triple Play III | 12.07.24
After a distracted driver flees a stop in Little Rock, Arkansas, he leads authorities on a dangerous car chase on back roads. Watch the video below for the dramatic...
Triple Play III | 09.21.24
In Ohio, a Kent State University vehicle went way off campus in the final Triple Play (09.21.24) of the weekend.
Triple Play II | 11.01.24
Michigan authorities make a dramatic rescue in the second Triple Play of the weekend (11.01.24).
Triple Play II | 09.27.24
A suspect leaves grass in his wake in the second Triple Play of the weekend (09.27.24) in a downright “Wackerly” chase out of Ohio.
Triple Play III | 08.17.24
In the final Triple Play of the weekend (08.17.24), a car chase suspect makes death-defying maneuvers on a South Florida highway.
Triple Play III | 01.18.25
Suspects in Columbus, Ohio lead officers on an epic car chase, dropping passengers along the way in the third Triple Play of the weekend (01.18.25).
Triple Play I | 09.20.24
In our first Triple Play of the weekend (09.20.24), an armed suspect in Ohio leads authorities from various agencies on a car chase that goes off and on the...
Triple Play II | 08.16.24
In our second Triple Play of the weekend (08.16.24), an officer from the Volusia County Sheriff's Office makes an incredible rescue.
Triple Play II | 09.14.24
Buckle in! The second Triple Play of the 200th episode Weekend (09.14.24)is a Pit Palooza. Featuring the best PIT maneuvers from the first 200 episodes.
Triple Play III | 01.25.25
A Michigan car chase suspect runs stop sign after stop sign before a dramatic crash in a residential neighborhood in the third Triple Play of the weekend (01.25.25).